What I see from the majority of authors is either a piece of a system or scattered thoughts about this and that, which cannot be put together into a system.
Someone tries to explain everything only through the way our brain is set up. Some try to fix life through psychology. Some only through goal setting and proactivity.
And I haven’t yet seen anywhere as complete a system as I have.
I looked for it but did not find it in one place. I tried to figure out what was missing to fix my life. I put it together, I made it.
And now I’m making it clearer and better every day.
My system of Anna Bright consists of 3 components – 3 keys.
To live a happy life that you are satisfied with, you have to:
1. Do a conscious MANAGING OF YOUR LIFE
This is:
– building your plans for 1-3-5-10 years, laying out a path to them, making plans for the quarter, the month, the week, goal setting
– working on the basic areas of life – Health, Work, Finance (also Family, Appearance and Сommunication),
– removing the sources of the strongest pressure and stress,
– elaborating on dissatisfaction and “holes” in your life,
– developing the necessary habits one by one,
– optimization of systems,
– removing procrastination,
– working through daily routines, sleeping habits, healthy systems,
– self-stabilization and self-enhancement during the way,
– managing your blocks of the day,
and so on.
In general, building strong systems in your life that work on their own, on automatic.
Become a more mature person.
Remove and reduce your infantilism and egocentrism. Immaturity is expressed in the fact that you feel, you are not responsible for everything that happens, blame others or circumstances, invent excuses instead of seeking opportunities.
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When you believe that everything will happen as you need “by itself”, dramatize and see your problems and situations as special.
When you depend a lot on other people’s evaluations.
And generally when you “pull the blanket over yourself”. When you don’t see other people and everything is about ME. When you sincerely think that other people should think like you and want the things you want. And many more manifestations of immaturity.
The harmony and permanent gratitude for everything is exactly about maturity. Without it, you will always fail and forget what it is to be grateful for.
A lot of this is about self-reliance, too.
Without working on this point you’ll never get harmonious relationships with yourself, people, the world.
3. Remove or reduce the most destructive ADDICTIONS
An addiction always destroys that area of life (in which it appeared), other areas, the life in general. While you work excessively, your health, family, friendships, relationships, and other areas of life are destroyed.
It’s hard to say which are the most destructive addictions. It all depends on the individual case.
Love addiction or workaholism to a strong degree can be far worse than even alcoholism.
Addictions often cling to one another. Workaholism + coffee addiction can catch alcohol addiction to relax in the evening, addiction to the internet or games to escape the pressure of everything that is going on, to distract from problems.
Addictions relate both to psychology and to the managing of areas of life, but I separate them in order to make a big emphasis and not to lose sight of them. Often one addiction can ruin your whole life, so it should be dealt with in the first place.
Usually, everyone has problems in all three areas.
Somewhere bigger, somewhere smaller.
This is my system by which I work with my life and with people.
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