Do it. Right now. THIS IS IMPORTANT. It’s very powerful. You can get the best and the most suitable for you advice right now.
Open your notebook for free writing practics, or EssentialPIM, Obsidian, Evernote, MS Word, whatever. Take any piece of paper you want.
And write a letter from your 80-year-old self after reading this article.
What do you imagine yourself to be like in your old age?
How old do you currently expect to live?
Where are you writing the letter to yourself from? From a cozy little house in your hometown? From a gloomy poverty-stricken apartment in New York? From Brazil’s carnival?
How do you spend your life? Where is it all going? Are you sick and can barely walk? You are active, get up early in the morning, do exercises?
Do you have many grandchildren, do your children love you, or are you alone? Are you cheerful and alert and living a busy life? Or are you tired of everything, sad?
Lots of friends and hobbies, or you still can’t come to your senses after decades at a hateful job?
But most importantly, what do you have to say to your young (current) self?
Well, imagine yourself at age 80 and how you feel, the environment around you.
Write everything – advice, recommendations, questions, regrets, recriminations, memories, whatever. You can start free writing with all kinds of nonsense in general, and then you speed up, and out comes the most important stuff.
Do it right now!
Psychology, relations, personal effectiveness, planning, how to reduce stress, remove addictions and much more. Come in! Life hacks, secrets, guides, stories.
The important thing is to figure out exactly what your 80-year-old is most unhappy with you about. This will give you a clear understanding – what should be worked on now first, exposing your current problems and dissatisfactions that you may be pushing away from yourself in the background.
I’ve written this letter and other kinds of letters to myself more than once – from little me to big me, to myself in six months into the future, and so on.
But this letter from an older self to a younger one gives me the most powerful shake.
Acts as a sobering cold shower. It shakes. Changes the perception of life.
And usually the conclusion in the end – “What the hell are you being afraid of, why are you so slow down?
Why don’t you go straight about your dreams, why don’t you go and get what you want? Why don’t you make a plan to get to your goal and walk to it step by step?
Why all the twists and turns with waiting five years and putting it off or agonizing over something you can’t influence, fearing the reaction of loved ones or strangers to YOUR life?
Why so much dependence on what people will say and think?
Why put up with something for years and not find a way to fix it?
Why be afraid to make mistakes in a new thing? Why do you still give a damn to it all?
Why aren’t you working on crucial areas of life like Finances, Health, Work, Family, so you can be active, healthy, wealthy, and happy at any age?
What do you want to do? Do it! Or make a plan.
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