A great exercise “Triple Acceptance” to remove some of your expectations of people and events, to increase acceptance:
You have to make it a habit to always accept the three ways things will happen:
a) Things will happen the way I want them to;
b) It will not be the way I want it to be;
c) It will be much better.
This rule should be done a hundred times a day, just treat it as a game and enjoy the process.
Practice “Triple Acceptance” for a while, in everyday situations.
For example, in the morning you get up and say to yourself: “I want to have some tea” and consider the possible course of events:
1. I’ll go to the kitchen and just make myself some tea as usual,
2. I won’t even drink water, the tap is broken, there is no water, and I have to go to work urgently.
3. A courier suddenly brings a gift – a very expensive and delicious tea and a cake, I will have such tea.
You accept everything.
Then you go and make yourself some tea.
By practicing on such little things, you will train your subconscious mind to be ready for any turn of events.
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– You will start to treat everything easily and with pleasure.
– Your acceptance will become much greater “on automatic”.
– Your capacity will grow.
– You will become a more pleasant person for everyone and for yourself.
– More good things will start to happen to you.
– You will begin to treat events as neutral or even good rather than negative more often.
After practicing this and other exercises for a long time, life became much easier and better. Also, the word “disappointment” disappeared from my vocabulary.
I haven’t had such a feeling as disappointment for a long time.
To be disappointed in something, you first have to be “enchanted”, i.e. to have some EXPECTATIONS of how good it is for me, how I need it, ME ME ME, without seeing how it really is, or without realizing that it can all change at any moment.
To be disappointed in a person = to see something of your own in him, to expect something you want.
Disappointed in events = expecting something in them that is right and good for you, how you need it to be.
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